Monday, July 13, 2015

My friends have decided to let me rot in this house.

Our transmission went out several weeks ago, and instead of helping me go places that be fun, or even a trip to the grocery store. My friends have decided I'm not important, and have decided, because of the distance I live from most of them they will let me rot in this house of crap. I'm tired of it. It's been since June 28. I don't see an ending to it at all. I would like to go see some of my friends, and hang out with them, but right now I'm so mad at them. I don't want to see any of them. I just want to be able to go to the doctor like I'm suppose to. Maybe take a trip about six miles from house, and go up to wal-mart for a few hours. My friends are useless. They aren't usually useless. Right now I don't care if any of them see it. I'm not wanting money or anything. I just want a damn helping hand to be able to go to the grocery store or to see me for a little while instead of let me sit in my room 24/7 staring a damn computer screen. If they don't watch I could do something that they won't have to think about me about all anymore, which is probably what they are doing now.
Unless our old pastor gets something. I don't see this ending at all. My aunt has changed her mind about going to go look tomorrow with my mom. Unless the pastor helps or a miracle happens like a donated car this will never end. I believe that with everything I have. I'm not very strong right now. All I've done for about two weeks, or close to it is sit watch t.v., be on my computer. I'm tired of all. I'm bored of all.
I can't believe that the situation will change when I enter the hospital in August. Just like last year not many will show up.

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