Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My situation at home.

With our family financial situation we are currently in. Even though I'm 29 years old, and do many things I want to if I'm able to. Some days I feel like I live in a dictatorship. People telling me when I can go, and where I can go. My dad thinks with this new situation with our van, and even before then when we told him we were going out to hang out with my friends it was most of the time awful. Now with the van, and we have to get a car loan through the place we getting it, and him having to sign the papers for the loan its worse. He's always had a temper, but its worse now, or at least it seems that way. My mom does it occasionally, but most of the time, or a lot of the time you can reason with her. 
I am about to be down for up to 3-6 months. My friends are the most important people in my life. Yeah my parents are to, but they aren't the ones that can put me in zone of peace. My friends are the people that can do that. I alive today because of the people around keeping me sane. My friends can't always do that, but its a better situation with them. At home I have yelling between my parents about everything from what we do to bills, and being accused of stealing money. Well my dad does that to my mom. My don't have a job, so we can't get out. Right now since we will probably get this new car/van. I wouldn't even try right now anyway. 
I seriously just need to escape maybe not permanently, but at least for some time like maybe 24-48 hours would be perfect, but that's not even happening right now, because of the van situation.  I'm getting tired of all of this crap. I just want to go somewhere not be around it period. Maybe when I'm in the hospital my mom can figure it out, and I won't have to return to a dictatorship. 

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