Sunday, June 26, 2016

When I do Karaoke.

I may not be the best singer of the night, but I enjoy singing with my friends. I started a few years ago with live band karaoke, but now it doesn’t matter what kind of karaoke it is. If my friends are hosting it, or will be taking part it I’m going to try. It’s another way I can be myself. I love music. I’m not just the girl in the wheelchair. I’m the girl who gets up there, and sings. Although I’d rather not the song or songs myself I’d like to do it with a friend. I feel more comfortable singing with someone else, because if you are suppose to go really high on a note, or a section I can do it lower, and let whomever I’m singing with help me, and do it the right way. Some is hard for me to do, but I will try almost anything except rapping songs. I don’t rap. Karaoke is a way for me to escape for a few hours with whatever is going on in my life. Lately a lot of medical stuff. I can enjoy being with friends. Karaoke is a way for me to get away from everything, and hang out with people I care about. Music is important to me. Whether I’m the one singing, or listening to someone else sing. Either way. I love it.